Outdated copies of some Woo commerce template files?

Home Forums WordPress Theme Support BfastMag Pro Outdated copies of some Woo commerce template files?


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    I’ve just discovered that the drop down menus on my site with BfastMagPro aren’t working. I have recently added a Woo Commerce shop, and after visiting the shop, the menus work, except upon arriving at the new page, the header is messed up.

    I get this message in the dashboard: Your theme (bFastMag Pro) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:

    Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.

    The theme, and the Woo Commerce plugin are fully up to date.

    How do I fix this? Please help.

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