Dark Skin Single Post White Background

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  • #9585


    when i check a post, the text is white and the background too, dark mode does not change single post background….

    I do not know what you mean by details but the URL is: https://electronerds.space/ and an example post: https://electronerds.space/test-1/

    I switched to dark skin and yet only the text color changed but the background remains white, I would like to make the background darker in the post.

    it is a fresh wordpress isntallalation.

    And how can I get verified for the forum?

    Raja CRN


    Add the following css in the Customizer > Additional CSS and save.

    .darkSkin .entry.single {
        background: #222;
        border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.13);
    .darkSkin .comment-body, .darkSkin  .comment-notes ,.darkSkin .reply-link a,.darkSkin  span.comment-date, .darkSkin .widget label, .darkSkin .widget p {color:#fff}

    This worked thank you

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