Custom Logo

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Daniel 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4420


    Hi, getting to grips with the theme. My website is

    I am having difficulty with getting the logo in the top left to display the way I want it. There seems to be padding around the image as it is pushed down the page a little. The image is 208px X 91px so it should line up correctly with the adverts to the right.

    1 What are the recommended dimensions for the logo image?

    2 Is there any way of changing the hash-grey background behind the category headings widgets?

    3 Viewing the site on a mobile device and the black information containing the post title in the slider is absent.

    Can you help please!

    Many thanks.



    Also, the header google adverts advert is not right-aligned – can that be fixed so it aligns with the sidebar?

    In the normal post there are two adverts showing, one under the heading and one at the bottom of the post. Despite un-checking the “Show Ad the in Beginning of Post” it remains.


    Raja CRN


    Let me answer your questions one-by-one,

    1. Logo : to Properly align the logo, header ad add the following code in the Appearance > theme Options > Styling > Custom CSS

    #header-banner468 {
    text-align: right;
    #logo {
    margin: 0!important;

    2. Ads in post: Update the theme.

    3. If you want to remove the stripes, use this CSS code

    h2.blogpost-wrapper-title, h2.blogpost-wrapper-title-two,.widget-head,.post-content header{background:none!important}



    Hi Raja,

    1: Thank You… the adverts are now right aligned on the homepage:

    2: Where do I get a Theme Update from? I am using Theme Name: iMag Mag Pro – Theme Version v2.5.0

    3: Thanks Raja, stripes are gone now except the widget titles. Is there a way of changing the stripes to something else… I under the impression that the stripes were contained in an image file.

    Many thanks for your help so far! 🙂


    Raja CRN


    Login and Goto your ThemePacific Account and download the updated the theme. Use the Updated code above to remove widget stripes. You can use any background image there. we don’t have any other stripes, search the internet.




    I have updated the theme and the ads within posts just display at the bottom now – perfect!

    How would I specify an image behind the H2 titles?

    would this work:

    h2.blogpost-wrapper-title, h2.blogpost-wrapper-title-two,.widget-head,.post-content header{!important}

    Many thanks Raja.

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