Breaking News, Sidebar Small, 3Columns

Home Forums WordPress Theme Support Silver Mag Breaking News, Sidebar Small, 3Columns

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  • #7776

    Good day,

    I have some questions about the “SilverMag Pro” theme.

    How does content come in the Breaking News Ticker ?

    Or how is the content inserted there, which it automatically appears there ?

    Is this linked to a widget ?

    Do I need to insert a particular widget somewhere ?

    I have normal pages with content but this is not displayed in the Breaking News Ticker,

    at least parts of it not. So I ask for the widget options.

    The Sidebar Small at the 3Columns, Is not recognized when rendering from Google.

    An image will appear as Google has seen the page.

    He only sees 2Columns with the Sidebar Big though 3Columns is activated with the SidebarSmall.

    Is this related to a script that can not be loaded? Or with CSS files ?

    I also get error messages that can not be loaded in the CSS theme.

    If so, how can I set the CSS and script files to be rendered correctly for Google ?

    And where are these files ?

    Best regards


    It is really incredible how to get answers to his questions.
    Also no e-mail response, nothing!

    Raja CRN


    I think, I’ve answered some of your questions and we don’t provide support via email which can’t be tracked.

    Ticker options can be controlled via SilverMag pro theme options. You can display category or recent posts via Ticker. Since theme is responsive, layout will automatically changed to 2 coulmns for small screen, google uses small screen like 1024 for rendering.

    Theme is not responsible for any rendering issues. If you have issues in google search console, Hire any SEO expert to solve this or send us your Google search console credentials. Normally We don’t provide support for Google issues, We only provide support for theme related issues.


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