Background Image not showing

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    The background image is not showing in the category pages.
    I uploaded a custom background image in the theme-styling-upload background pattern.
    The background image shows on all other pages, home, posts, pages, ect.
    But when you click a category to see all posts in that category, the
    background image is not there. Just shows a plain white background.
    How can this little mishap be fixed?
    As always, I looked through the entire forum to see if this issue
    had already been addressed.
    Thanks in advance

    Raja CRN


    Please share your site with login details. We’ll check it out. Btw, Sorry for the late reply. We have some technical issues in the server.



    Thank you for the reply, but I got it. There was a line of code missing
    in the archives PHP file.
    “<!– bg style–>
    <?php include_once(‘includes/tpcrn_bg_full.php’);?>”

    I am not a coder, thus took a while to figure it out. Also, if that isn’t the right way
    to fix this, let me know. But it did do the trick.
    Thanks and take care.
    I’m sure I will have more questions as we continue the build.

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