add Top Big Grid Five Slider to categories insted big simple slider or image

Home Forums WordPress Theme Support VideoZine Pro add Top Big Grid Five Slider to categories insted big simple slider or image

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  • #5709

    Hi guys
    1. I’d like add Big Top Five Grid Slider insted simple slider in the post categorie, now I think you have two choice simple slider or image, is it posible…….
    2.How to produce the best quality image of thumbnails – futured image, I bought for that pro version but still not enough. Have you got some ideas how to make it….
    What is the recommended size of thubnail…..

    Thanks Thomas

    Raja CRN


    1. Currently, you can only customize the homepage. In the future versions, we’ll try to implement the customization for categories too.
    2. The images are automatically cropped to fit in the theme sections. You can try regenerate thumbnails plugin to get the new images for your old posts.



    Hello, I need help with video home page zine stopped working ajax pagination, Four Grid

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