Recently, Facebook has changes the Graph API Access mechanism with OAuth Authentication. Before that, We can access the Facebook Fan page like count and other details using the Graph API without using any authentication keys. After the recent update, if you want to use the Graph API to get Facebook page likes count, you need Facebook App ID and App secret Key.


If you access the Graph API url With out the App ID and Secret key, you will get the following error “”message”: “An access token is required to request this resource.”, “type”: “OAuthException”,”.

Our themes social counter widget uses the Graph API to fetch the Facebook likes count. We have updated our themes with new Facebook OAuth update. However, theme users have to enter their Facebook App ID and Facebook Secret key to get their Fan page likes count. In this guide, we’ll explain that.

How to Get Facebook APP ID and Facebook App Secret Key

To get the Facebook App ID and Secret key, you have to create the Facebook App.

1. For that visit, Facebook developers page using the following link.  Login with your Facebook username and password in that developers page, if you haven’t logged in before.

2. Once you logged in, Simply click the “+ Add a New App” green button.

3. After that, New Popup will be shown to you. In that Popup, Choose the “Website” as your Platform.

4. In the next screen, Click the Skip and Create App ID.

5. That will Open the popup. In that Popup, you have to enter your app details like display name, category. Just fill out these fields and click the Create App ID button.

6. If you have completed the above steps successfully, you will be presented with new page that will have your App ID and App Secret key.

That’s it. Use this Facebook App ID , App Secret Key in our Social Counter Widget and theme Options page.