After Twitter has closed the access to  version 1.0 of API, we all are pushed to change the Latest Tweets widget and Twitter Follower counter widget settings in order to make it work with Twitter API version 1.1.

To make things straight, you have to create a Twitter application to generate Twitter API Keys, Access Token and secret keys and so on.

Creating a Twitter Application


To use Twitter counter widget and other Twitter related widgets, you need OAuth access keys. To get Twitter Access keys, you need to create Twitter Application which is mandatory to access Twitter.

  1. Go to and log in, if necessary
  2. Enter your Application Name, Description and your website address. You can leave the callback URL empty.
  3. Accept the TOS, and solve the CAPTCHA.
  4. Submit the form by clicking the Create your Twitter Application
  5. Copy the consumer key (API key) and consumer secret from the screen into your application

Create Your Access Token for OAuth


After creating your Twitter Application, you have to give the access to your Twitter Account to use this Application. To do this, click the Create my Access Token.

Get the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Acess token, Access Token Secret


In order to access the Twitter, that is to get recent tweets and twitter followers count, you need the four keys such as Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Acess token, Access Token Secret.


To get all these keys, click the OAuth Tool tab in your Twitter Application and copy those keys and paste in our Theme Options page. That’s it. Now Your Twitter counter will get the followers count and display them in your widget.