Tabbed widget

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  • #1054

    ” popular posts” shows post from 3 years ago, when our wordpress and cpanel show most popular posts from as recent as last week. How do we fix this? as the tabbed widget is great but pointless if it shows 3 year old content

    Raja CRN

    It shows Popular Posts based on the comments count of each post. So it will show the most popular post from your blog, if it has many comments. Let me know, if you have any other questions.



    Is there any way that you could change the way this widget works in a future update? I would like to change “popular posts” to say: recent, category, or something else.

    We use Disqus and recent posts with recent comments or views should be shown. As it is now, the widget goes to waste.

    Raja CRN

    Post your suggestion here, we’ll add it to our feature request list.


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