Some bugs in Pro version

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  • #4069

    Hi, thank you for your great theme but I found some bugs if you can fix them:
    1. I cant change: News Ticker Title it sticks to default: Breaking News
    2. The images from slider are not well resized on mobile phones, The slider from BResponzive is way better, if is a way to change it with this one.
    3. I would like to have google+ too in social count widget.

    Thank you again for your great theme, best regards S. Marius.


    I would also love if when I click a featured image from a post , to zoom that image in the same window , like highslide or something not to open it in another page. If that can be done…thank you.

    Raja CRN


    1. Edit the header.php file and you can change the Breaking News there.
    2. Read Our Faq’s section in our site to fix if you have any issues in the images
    3. We try to include that in our next update.

    And, Thanks for your feedback.


    Thank for reply, other issues:
    1. how can I change the width of .social-wrap ? I use only fb,g+ and twitter but the width is the same so it remains an empty space in my right upper corner.
    2. I would also love if when I click a featured image from a post , to zoom that image in the same window , like highslide or something not to open it in another page. If that can be done…thank you.
    3. I regenerated the thumbs but the images from the slider are the same. Website is , for now I have installed demo content. You can try it on a mobile phone and see.

    Great theme again. 😉


    1. and 2. I solved but I have problems with thumbs in homepage slider. I tried to regen. thumbnails but no success. Thumbs do not show well. Can you help please?


    P.S. In the primary image from slider I found another bug, if the text of the post is longer than the image, its not showing all the text at the bottom of the image, instead , the text its shown in the second image of the slider.

    Raja CRN


    I’ll fix this issue soon, if there is a problem. However, We’ve tested in our demo site, there is overflow of text in the slider.

    You have customized the theme. We can’t find the which code is making trouble. If you have test environment, test the theme without customizing it.



    I found the problem with the text. If you choose from Slider Transition: “Slide”, you will se the problem. If its on "Simple Fade" its showing as it should.

    I stil have problems with thumbnails. I tried to regen. thumbnails but no success. Thumbs do not show well, especially in slider. Can you help please? Thank you.


    Ok, to correct the thumbnails size, I addeed:
    .blogflexcarousel img {height: auto !important;} /* Fix thumbnails size */
    .magbig-thumb {height: auto !important;} /* Fix thumbnails size */

    The problem is now with the slider.. as I tested more, If my featured photos are small sized, the primary image from slider it`s showing distorted. If the featured photo is big size, the image is showing ok on desktop (cropped) but on mobile,portrait, is distorted.
    On mobile, landscape, the primary image from slider is fine but the 2 secondary images from slider are distorted. Can you fix this please? I can`t use my website with this problems. Thank you.


    Hi and sorry for bothering you again but can you please solve the problem with slider, featured images and thumbnails ? I can`t use the website like this. Thank you.

    Raja CRN


    Please provide some screenshot of your problem. Currently, We are analyzing site issues.

    Thank you.


    I solved the issue, I set the high of the images to auto from css , adjusted the captions from slider on smaller screens and it`s ok now on any screen. Well , you can see the difference on my site and your demo site when you resize the window, on mine, the images remain with the same ration, on your demo site the images are distorted.

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