We are having issue with the Theme and the plug in that is being used…jquery-ui-widget
We did some research and found the jquery-ui-widget used is over riding the Default plug in installed by WordPress.
What we found is that the following file contains an older version of
the jquery-ui-widget library and causing a conflict with the one
included by our plugin, and the radius selection slider is not being
displayed because of the conflict. The one included by our plugin is
the one that comes with WordPress and it is properly loaded but your
theme is loading its own version of the library and causing the issue.
You will need to contact the theme developer to remove the
jquery-ui-widget code included in the file and instead properly load
the one that comes with WordPress to prevent conflict with not only
our plugin but other plugins that use the jquery-ui-widget library.
Please advise how to correct.
Thank you.