nextgen-gallery question

Home Forums WordPress Theme Support Silver Mag nextgen-gallery question

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    Hello. I purchased Silver Mag Pro today, and received two file folders: SilverMag-pro package and the nextgen-gallery package. I had no problems installing the zip file from the SilverMag-pro package, but I haven’t a clue what I am suppose to do with the nextgen-gallery package. I see that their are no zip files in the nextgen-gallery folder.


    OK… I figured it out. I now have nextgen-gallery up and running 🙂

    Next question though… related to it… if I upload the Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack – WordPress Plugin, will it change or alter the style of the nextgen-gallery? Or will this be a 2nd gallery feature, and I can use both styles on the site at the same time?

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