Linking New Post type to a template

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    I have been using Madhura theme Pro for the past few months.In my site with Madhura Pro Theme, i have created a Post Type Named “Product” using “Types” wordpress plugin. I have also created a template file with Custom fields for this Post Type using this plugin. The file named is “product-template.php”. Now, i wanted to use this template for my post type “Product”. I tried analyzing the php scripts of Madhura Pro theme but could not find the necessary solution.

    Please, suggest me the necessary changes to be done in Madhura theme codings so that I could able to use this post type for the custom template.

    Raja CRN


    Did custom post type open without any issues?


    Yeah, its opening without any issues..I could able to post title and description..

    Raja CRN

    Okay, That’s Good. Could you please share your blog details with temp username and password (admin rights). That’ll be easy to check your blog. Usually we don’t provide support for 3rd party plugins. Anyhow, Let’s fix the issues.

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    Raja CRN

    I can’t understand why do you want the template for product type. You can access the Product Type posts using this link

    Raja CRN

    We’ve checked our code and found that no issues in the theme. You have to implement the customization rightly to get the custom post type posts in template. Regarding the gallery page template, you haven’t changed the name of the template, just you have copied it. Please read about the page templates here


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    Raja CRN


    Okay, I got it. You have used that code in gallery template. It only pulls out the image link. You have to wrap it around with img tag. Now, the image is showing in the singe post.

    If you decide to customize the theme, you have to decide where should be customization. Because we only provide little customization to our themes upon request. Understanding the every 3rd party plugin requires more time.So that we can concentrate on our main objective here.
    Hope you got it.
    Thanks. Let me know if you have any other queries.


    Hi Raja,
    Thank you so much for your help and immediate responses. I will work around the code of your theme and customize it based on my needs. One more help, in my site, follow buttons in the top right are shown in the single column. It was supposed to show only in two columns right.. Can you login to my site and check it?

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