Import Demo Data

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  • #10744

    Hi, I am in need of some help with the Demo Data! I don’t know much about this, so it might be a very amateur question lol.

    I bought BfastMag Pro over 3 years ago and used the Demo Data to help setup my blog on WordPress/Bluehost. However, over the course of the last 3 years, I changed the theme many times, but now I would like to come back to BfastMag Pro.

    I tried to import the Demo Data again, but nothing changes on my blog; when I open up my homepage, it’s basically empty. I noticed after hitting the “Import” button, below it shows tens of lines that look like this:

    Media “bfast-1” already exists.
    Media “woman-portrait-girl-color-90754-e1494713793952” already exists.
    Media “image-alignment-580×300” already exists.
    Media “image-alignment-150×150” already exists.

    Is there any way to purge all of this media so I can start over with the demo or a way for it to be re-setup? I really need the demo to help get my blog together that I’m basically starting over because I know very little about any of this stuff.

    Thank you so much in advance!

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