BresponZive Mag Pro theme – Picture attachments

Home Forums WordPress Theme Support BresponZive Mag BresponZive Mag Pro theme – Picture attachments

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    We downloaded the BresponZive Mag Pro theme for our news based website a couple of months ago. We love the theme and it is working very well for our site and for our readers. However, we found out this evening from one of our readers who searched for an article that was on our site via AOL search that when they clicked on the search term on AOL, the article that was supposed to come up did not come up, and in fact, it went to a picture only that was uploaded to our site.
    We asked our tech guy who set up the theme on our site and he said that the pictures were uploaded separately on a page on our site as “attachments”. We have several thousand pictures uploaded in this manner and we do not want this showing up in search results with the file name of the picture showing as well. Please let us know what we need to do to fix this.
    Thank you.

    Raja CRN

    Yes, It’s a WordPress feature. You can use the “WordPress SEO” plugin to stop search engine indexing the attachment page. That plugin has many options, just test it around you will know much more.

    Thanks. Have a Great day.

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