Add the Latest Post option in BresponZive Mag Pro Theme

Home Forums WordPress Theme Support BresponZive Mag Add the Latest Post option in BresponZive Mag Pro Theme

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  • #2798

    I made a thread earlier but i cant reply in my thread so sorry Raja CRN i had to make a new thread.

    I wanted to say please add the Latest Posts option in the ticker and the slider menu that will show only the latest posts but not the older posts when you release the new update.


    The Other problem is that when i add a featured image in a post that image is shown in the post as well in the top.So its like 2 images in the same post. Is there anyway that you could remove the option of showing the featured image in the post bcz then it adds two images…

    and secondly the can you please remove the small title that is shown in posts below ticker as it doesnt look professional. I mean only thing that should be with in a post is the header title of the post and after that the rest of the post.

    Please remove the setting of showing featured images in the posts as well as the small title that is shown on top of the post. We only need the larger font title not the small one as it gets posted twice then.

    take a look at the link and see what i am talking about.

    Raja CRN


    We added your request in our Todo list. If I’m right, you are talking about breadcrumbs above the featured image, you can turn it off via Theme Options Panel.

    To turn off featured image and breadcrumbs, Go to Appearance > Theme Options > Single posts.

    There you can turn off those options.

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